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时间到程度获得副学士学位需要多长时间?要花多长时间才能拿到学位,这取决于你自己. 你修的课程越多,你到达终点的速度就越快. 每门课程都很重要!
阿拉莫大学准备工作计划将您与澳门新葡京博彩及其他学院的培训项目联系起来. 这些项目中有一个或多个获得批准 准备工作 programs. Find out if you’re eligible to receive free tuition and job placement services that will enable you to secure an in-demand career. CHW认证和AAS在社区卫生是由准备工作批准. Academic credit courses and accelerated 继续教育 (CE) course leading to certification and AAS are available. 有兴趣资助其CHW教育的学术学生请联系 桑德拉·洛佩兹,学生成功协调员. Email: slopez92@uupt.net Phone: 210-485-0302 |
The 澳门新葡京博彩区 is a proud partner of the City of San Antonio’s 准备工作 Program. |
找到你的项目西北维斯塔学院提供各种副学士学位课程, 证书, pre-majors, 转移学习领域. 浏览我们的节目,并使用下面的关键字搜索链接制定计划. |
搜寻课程通过从下拉列表中选择一个术语来搜索预定的课程, 从主题清单中选择一个类, 然后单击“搜索课程”以获取所有可用课程的列表. 使用下面的链接查找课程. |
学术顾问The 学术顾问 office at 西北维斯塔学院 is committed to providing quality 学术顾问 services and information about available resources to support students in achieving their desired goal. We will guide students towards completion of a certificate and/or Associate degree and support their transition to a four year institution or the workforce. |
学生无障碍服务(残疾支援)西北维斯塔学院 is dedicated to creating opportunities for success for many different kinds of students. Some students may have disabilities that interfere with their ability to succeed in the classroom. 学生无障碍服务 help level the playing field and create opportunities for success for students needing support. 咨询电话:210-486-4466. |
学习辅助服务 & 中心(LASC)Our goal is to help students develop their learning skills to help them take a proactive approach to their courses, 发现他们独特的学习方式, 培养他们的批判性思维能力, 通过我们的学习辅助服务(例如.e.辅导、指导、辅导等). |
学术阅读中心 & 英语支持[CARES]At CARES, our goal is to help students acquire the reading and writing skills they need to be successful in college and throughout their lives. |
教师语言倡导者在这个页面上,你可以找到会说英语和至少一门其他语言的教授! 这些教师可以在课堂上帮助你,也会说这些语言. 我们的教师是多元化的,他们希望我们所有的学生都能成功! |
教员-学生导师The 教员-学生导师 are faculty members who are here to support students throughout their time at NVC and until they complete their goals with us, 包括他们的证书/学位, 转学到大学, 和/或找工作. |
学生手册The 学生手册 is designed as a user-friendly resource to answer the most frequently asked questions students have about services, programs, 期望和程序. It is intended to help you successfully transition to college life and become fully engaged in your college educational experience. |
工作经验Provides numerous opportunities for students to build career-related skills and connect with employers through events and experiential learning activities. Students benefit from faculty support and encouragement to pursue new hands-on experiences that align with their future career goals. |
数学辅导 & 宣传中心目前为学生提供两种类型的实验室:
跨课程写作实验室[WAC]The WAC Lab serves 西北维斯塔学院 by providing writing tutoring for students in any class outside of the English department. We also provide resources and support for faculty who include writing assignments in their classes. |
语音辅导实验室The 语音实验室 offers many services to students enrolled in a Speech class or any other class requiring an individual or group presentation. 我们可以从研究你的作业开始,在实验室帮助你, 组织和概述你的信息,练习你的表达. 我们也提供ppt演示的帮助. |
在线辅导西北维斯塔学院, 与Brainfuse合作, 提供所有学生面对面交流, hybrid, or online courses) 300 minutes (5 hours) of free online tutoring services per semester in the following subjects:
开放电脑室The Student 开放电脑室 provides students with the latest technology resources and assistance needed to successfully complete class assignments and projects. The Student 开放电脑室 is a great place to come and do research related to your courses. |
双学分(高中课程)西北维斯塔学院’s 双重信用 Program allows eligible high school students to earn college credit for high school courses in which they are currently enrolled while completing their high school requirements. 为了让学生参与到这个项目中来, 高中必须被批准开设双学分课程. 双学分不同于AP学分. |
信息 & 通信技术The 信息 and 通信技术 department provides technology solutions and support for our students, faculty, 员工及社区. |
就业及转职服务西北远景学院职业和转学服务(CaTS)提供资源, guidance, 在职业探索方面提供帮助, 职业规划, 学术顾问, 工作准备, and more. |
远程学习远程学习 is an educational opportunity that offers a deadline-oriented learning experience similar in structure to a face-to-face on-campus class. 学生和教师通过聊天工具进行互动, email and discussion boards over the Internet and depending on the course assessments and assignments are all online. 平均, 学生们每周花大约10个小时来准备每门课程, 参与, 还有作业时间. Students may spend less or more time per week per course depending on when the course is taken and difficulty of the course. |
Canvas快速指南这个画布快速指南是为想要学习如何使用画布的学生准备的. Please contact the 远程学习 Department at your college if you are new to online learning or would like more information on the Orientation to Online Learning (OLRN) course. 该指南包括以下内容:
连接2竞争澳门新葡京博彩区正在与Connect2Compete合作, 一个全国性的非营利组织, 为学生和员工提供廉价电脑和免费或低成本的互联网服务, 以及硬件和数字技能,以有效和安全地使用互联网. 取决于家庭位置, 您可能有资格获得快速免费服务或折扣高速互联网数据计划. 低价电脑也在销售. |
项目数学路径[PMP]因为数学仍然是学生成功的最大障碍, 持久性, 和完成, 项目数学路径(PMP)努力提高雷士的三年毕业率, 通过精简的注册, advising, 以及安置过程, 以及通过加速学生通过数学核心, 通过取消发展数学课程. |
通用学生资源免费或低成本的教科书和教学材料 在公共领域提供教学、学习和/或研究资源. 点击下面了解更多. |
退伍军人倡导者(V2V)NVC退伍军人倡导者(V2V)为现役军人提供服务 & 前者)提供信息、资源和支持,帮助他们在高等教育中取得成功. |
书店西北维斯塔学院的网上书店为学生提供课本, 供应, 以及课堂所需的技术. |